ShoCo Businesses

Our member businesses consistently give back to the community — either by donating to charity or through their hiring practices. Shop with them today and remember to use your ShoCo Username when checking out!

Events Carina Daniels Events Carina Daniels

Photo Booth with Purpose

Need a photo booth for your next event? Look no further than Photo Booth with Purpose, brought to you by Rose Yuen of Rose Boutique Photography. Not only will you love the booth’s sleek design and beautiful photos, you’ll also feel good knowing that a percentage of your purchase will go to a nonprofit that supports the growth of women and their mental health.

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Bridal Mediaspace Bridal Mediaspace

Grace + Ivory

Grace + Ivory sells stunning made-to-measure wedding gowns that brides-to-be can try on either at home, or at the showroom in Chicago. Every gown costs less than $2,500 and requires much less wait time than the wedding-industrial complex’s usual offerings.

Charities: Grace + Ivory donates 10% of proceeds from each dress sold to causes that champion women's safety, security, and personal and professional development.

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